Using our Products

You can view the full list of ZetaChain liquidity pools on the Pool page and select one to begin.

You’ll have to have a sufficient balance of both of the respective pool assets on the ZetaChain network in order to deposit into any ZetaChain pool.

ZetaChain Pools

Once you get more assets from an external exchange and send to ZetaChain, or you send your existing assets from another network to the ZetaChain network, you’re ready to start. Follow ZetaHub’s step-by-step flow to deposit your assets into your pool of choice and start earning fees.


If you have an insufficient balance of any asset, you will need to click the “Get more assets or send existing assets to ZetaChain” button underneath the error message. This will take you to a screen where you can either send the appropriate asset to the ZetaChain network (only if you already have a balance of this asset, just on a different network than ZetaChain), or get more of the appropriate asset on an exchange (click the “Get ZETA and [Asset] from an exchange” button).

Send to Deposit

After you’ve pooled your ZETA, you’ll be able to see all of the positions you’ve pooled on ZetaHub on the right hand side. If you click into a specific pool, you’ll see your position for that pool if you have one. You’ll be able to see the amount of pool tokens you’ve collected, as well as the amount of assets you’ve pooled, your pool share, and the pool’s APY.

To withdraw your assets from a pool, select into the pool you want to withdraw from. From there, find and click the “Withdraw” tab on the interface. You will then be able to select the percentage of your position to withdraw.


If you’d then like to move the external asset back to its destination chain, you can head to the “Move Assets” tab in the left hand navigation to do so.

If you’d like to earn more rewards, you will be able to stake your LP tokens. After you’ve pooled your ZETA, check the “Rewards” tab in a specific pool, you’ll be able to stake the LP tokens you received from pooling. View your balance of LP tokens on the Rewards tab, and from there, you will be able to stake, unstake, and claim your rewards in each respective sub-tab.
