Omnichain Smart Contracts

ZetaChain’s Omnichain Smart Contracts lets you access and manage assets, data, and liquidity on any blockchain — all from a single place.

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How do Omnichain Smart Contracts work?

With our EVM module and the new ZRC-20 Standard, developers can create and deploy Omnichain Smart Contracts that control native assets and data on any chain. These contracts can be called from external chains and generate outbound transactions on external chains including even the Bitcoin network.

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contract YourContract is zContract {
  function onCrossChainCall(
    zContext calldata context,
    address zrc20,
    uint256 amount,
    bytes calldata message
  ) external virtual override {
    bytes32 recipient = abi.decode(message, (bytes32));

    (, uint256 gasFee) = IZRC20(zrc20).withdrawGasFee();

    IZRC20(zrc20).approve(zrc20, gasFee);
      amount - gasFee

Built for an unparalleled developer experience

Deploy Once, Access All Chains

Fewer Transactions, Fewer Fees

Safer, Better User Experience

Manage a single contract for all chains instead of one contract for each supported chain. Experience the simplicity of building on Ethereum with access to assets on any chain, even non-smart contract chains like Bitcoin.

Complex contract logic on ZetaChain can orchestrate assets across all connected external chains through simple transfers and single transactions, minimizing total gas expenditure and slippage for users.

Transaction logic occurs atomically in our smart contracts, resulting in lower slippage, reduced attack surface, and less susceptibility to race conditions. Experience truly one-step transactions (and fees), even when operating across chains.

Working with Omnichain Smart Contracts

Explore Omnichain Apps

Explore what others are building as Omnichain apps on ZetaChain.



A leading multi-chain DEX deployed across 30+ blockchains, cooking up a community-built, open-source ecosystem of all the DeFi tools you need.

Eddy Finance


Eddy Finance an Omnichain DEX built on ZetaChain that lets you move native assets and stablecoins between chains, including BTC, ETH, BNB, and more.

Desig Multisig Wallet


A Smart Multisig wallet simplifying treasury ops. Flourishing funds with intuitive tracking, smart allocation & insightful cashflow reports. Enjoy gasless vault control; intel-driven swap.

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