
ZetaChain Project Ranks in the Top Finalists at ETHGlobal Paris: Introducing the Winners

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Cross-chain liquidity, multi-chain DAO governance and convenient asset gathering among the winning projects at this major hackathon

We’re excited to announce three projects that won ZetaChain awards at the ETHGlobal event in Paris, France.

ETHGlobal Paris, a three-day event set against the backdrop of iconic Parisian landmarks including the Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysee, saw thousands of developers come together over a creative and collaborative weekend.

The winners of ZetaChain’s three awards — and a cool $10,000 in prize money — were:

⛓ Kinetex Light Clients

Kinetex is developing a decentralized cross-chain public resolving solution to make moving assets between chains faster and more efficient, thereby increasing liquidity cross chains.

We at Kinetex do not claim to be superior to other bridges or message protocols but instead, we are committed to the idea of composability and unification of DeFi sector solutions,” the team said of its vision.

At EthGlobal Paris, The Kinetex team pitched Light Clients to optimize gas cost for transactions and enhance security but it plans to build out a fuller project over time.

You can see more details on the project page here, including the Github code:

🌟 Additionally, shout out to Kinetex Light Clients, which was selected as an overall ETHGlobal Paris 2023 finalist.

🗳 Omnichain Governor Standard

Omnichain Governor Standard is a smart contract standard that allows DAOs to take their governance omnichain.

The team said the project “will allow users to interact with DAOs on other chains, by just being holder of their tokens in the main chain, [while] they can vote and delegate votes from any other supported chain in the protocol.”

In a multi-chain era, Omnichain Governor Standard will be a project to watch given the exposure, liquidity and resources that it can add to existing, and yet-to-launch, DAOs.

You can see more details on the project page here, including the Github code:

💰 Cash Out Protocol

If you earn money in crypto or have assets across chains, Cash Out Protocol will be of interest to you. It simplifies the painful process of bringing multiple assets together into one chain.

The entire fundamental and underlying architecture behind the protocol revolves around ZetaChain,” the team explained of their creation. “ZetaChain easily allows us as the protocol to make a cross-chain token transfer.”

You can see more details on the project page here, including the GitHub code:

Developer Experience on ZetaChain

We loved the creativity of the hackathon projects that we saw on display in Paris,” said Denis Fadeev, head of developer experience at ZetaChain. “Thanks to everyone who built on ZetaChain, we look forward to seeing even more projects building on ZetaChain at future events.”

In case you missed it: we recently announced the result of the DoraHacks-ZetaChain omnichain hackathon.

Leow, ZetaChain Asia BD Lead; Paul, ZetaChain France Lead; Denis, ZetaChain DevX Lead

About ZetaChain

ZetaChain is the world’s first and only decentralized EVM-compatible L1 blockchain with built-in cross-chain interoperability, connecting all blockchains, even non-smart contract chains like Bitcoin and Dogecoin. With ZetaChain’s complete Omnichain toolkit, developers can build true omnichain dApps from a single point of logic, and users can access all of their assets, data, and liquidity in a single place, securely.Follow ZetaChain on Twitter @zetablockchain and join the conversation on Discord and Telegram. Reach out to [email protected] if you’re building on top of ZetaChain.Any projects mentioned are 3rd party, not ZetaChain.
